Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2008

Wannsee Life

Hillo all, hope you've been a-having a nice week. I have.

So, I was in Wannsee for the introductory week of the Studienkolleg. It was well cool, but bloody exhausting. Much discussion, many speeches and lectures, much drinking, much eating, much befriending and much dancing, and a little kissing. Alles auf Deutsch of course. Funtimes.

They're a really nice bunch, which bodes well, as I have to work with them for the rest of the year. There was a little too much democracy going on, as in endless constant discussion and voting of what we should do. But still, it was coolfit. I even had an introduction to conflict management, so should any of you fall out with a friend, workmate or neighbouring state then you know who to call!

Best of all, we sorted out our project groups and I pretty much got to do my idea. Hoorah! There's five of us, and we'll be travelling to the border between Hungary and Serbia to look at the effects of the recently-extended Schengen zone on those living near the border. Am tres excited.

In even more exciting news, I am FINALLY matriculating at the Humboldt tomorrow. Yay! Lectures, however, don't actually start until the 14th of Oktober.


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