Dienstag, 23. September 2008


Aight people.

Apologies for the previous post, which you should all take as proof that one should NEVER go on the internet while deeply drunk. *ahem* Perhaps I ought to clarify what I meant slightly. The party wasn't heartbreaking, the party was fun. Very much so actually, although I was accidently a total expat again. Never mind, one day I'll speak some Deutsch! The (unfortunately very brief) visit to the most fabulous club ever was also splendid, as was the tanzing in the slightly less fabulous club. The heartbreak was related to summat else which I would describe if I weren't so paranoid about the readability of the internet. Oh shit, I've just realised this could now all sound like it was referring to summat else that other people might think I was talking about. Damn this vicious web of cyberlies! God, I miss the days when having a blog was just me whinging and being honest. Where did those days go...?

Anyhoo, closing that chapter now. :-p

Right, erm, I've now forgotten what I was going to say. Oh yes! My degree! As I mentioned, I've decided I'm going to do Skandilala Studies as my main subject. I'm presuming that I'm allowed to ignore all the rules about how degrees are put together, since that's what Potsdam told Catherine. Well, so long as I am allowed to do that, then I think I have now actually got a timetable! :-) You have to put it all together yourself here because Germans are evidently very self-reliant people. So, after about 20 aeons fighting with the Komentiertes Vorlesungungsverzeichnis (Annotated Lecture Timetable) I seem to have pulled together quite a funky mixture of stuff:

Skandilala Politik,
Deutschy Politik,
International Relations,
Introduction to Health Policy

It amounts to about 24 hours contact time a week, which I'm worried might be a bit much. All the politiky ones are actually just lectures, and I'm not planning to submit any assessed work for them, just attend and do some reading, which might overlap nicely with Studienkolleg stuff. But still, learning three languages at once might get a bit hardcore, as I really would like to do fairly well in them. Together with the Studienkolleg I reckon this could mean I was working about 40 hours a week. Which is actually loads now I think about it.

Perhaps I should drop a language. But I want to learn them ALL! :-) And if I do Finnish and Hungarian this year then I'll be set for a simply delicious dissertation in my fourth year all about Uralic morphology.

Hmm, we'll see. Anyhoo, I'm gonna go do some reading now, ready for my hopefully-very-fun week in Wannsee. It makes for some delightful bedtime reading:

'Institutionelle Struktur und Governance in der EU'

50p for any non-Germanists who can read that. :-p

Bis cake!

P.S. I've finally bought Mia.'s new album, 'Willkommen im Club' and it's DEVINE! :-)))

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